As a real estate agent, you play a crucial role in guiding your clients through property transactions. If your client asks you what the difference is between Title Lock and Title Insurance this guide will help provide some clarity. The Reality of Title Fraud Title...
Mason County offers “Fraud Notify,” a free service that alerts Mason County property owners whenever a document is recorded against their property. This service helps protect them from unauthorized or fraudulent activity. Here’s how it works:...
Title insurance is a critical safeguard when selling inherited property, particularly in probate sales, where unexpected title challenges can arise. When someone passes away, their assets, including real estate, are distributed through a will or probate, a...
Click to Register In today’s real estate market, understanding title reports is crucial to remain competitive and for successful transactions. Our 3-hour clock hour course empowers you, the agent with essential skills to interpret and address issues within title...
As a real estate professional, you do your best to educate and protect your clients from fraud and scams. You watch for anything suspicious, such as requests to sell a property below market value, communication only through electronic means, or requests for a...