Understanding Title Insurance Policies: A Guide

Understanding Title Insurance Policies: A Guide

Title insurance protects homeowners and lenders from potential disputes over property ownership and title defects. When purchasing a home, obtaining title insurance can be a requirement for a seller and/or buyer but they rarely understand what kind of coverage they...
Using a Title Company to Navigate the Sale of Inherited Property

Using a Title Company to Navigate the Sale of Inherited Property

Title insurance is a critical safeguard when selling inherited property, particularly in probate sales, where unexpected title challenges can arise. When someone passes away, their assets, including real estate, are distributed through a will or probate, a...
Is Your Title Company Proactive in Preventing Fraud?

Is Your Title Company Proactive in Preventing Fraud?

  As a real estate professional, you do your best to educate and protect your clients from fraud and scams. You watch for anything suspicious, such as requests to sell a property below market value, communication only through electronic means, or requests for a...

Title Insurance: Everything Real Estate Agents Need to Know

  The Indispensable Value of Title Insurance: A Must-Know for Every Real Estate Agent In the labyrinth of real estate transactions, there’s one corner that doesn’t always get the spotlight it truly deserves – Title Insurance. For many agents,...