A lien is a legal claim on a property by a creditor, securing repayment of a debt or obligation. It must be resolved to clear the title, affecting the property’s sale or transfer until the debt is satisfied. A title and escrow company can assist a property owner...
In the real estate industry, the term “escrow” can refer to two distinct concepts with each an important part of the property buying process. If you are involved in buying a home, know the difference between “being in escrow” for a real estate...
Title insurance protects homeowners and lenders from potential disputes over property ownership and title defects. When purchasing a home, obtaining title insurance can be a requirement for a seller and/or buyer but they rarely understand what kind of coverage they...
Did you see our social media posts about real estate industry jargon? Here’s a handy glossary – from A to Z- to help you understand some key terms: A – Abstract of Title An Abstract of Title is a detailed document that outlines the history of a...
Mason County agents! Need clock hours? For your convenience we are offering two, in-person, 3 clock hour courses at our Land Title Company – Shelton office location (930 West Railroad Avenue). Both courses run 9:30am – 12:30pm. Click below and register...
A smooth property closing process is the goal for all parties involved and understanding how final utility payments are handled is important. In the State of Washington, unpaid utility charges can become liens on the property, rather than attaching to the owner of the...