As a real estate agent, you play a crucial role in guiding your clients through property transactions. If your client asks you what the difference is between Title Lock and Title Insurance this guide will help provide some clarity. The Reality of Title Fraud Title...
A lien is a legal claim on a property by a creditor, securing repayment of a debt or obligation. It must be resolved to clear the title, affecting the property’s sale or transfer until the debt is satisfied. A title and escrow company can assist a property owner...
Mason County offers “Fraud Notify,” a free service that alerts Mason County property owners whenever a document is recorded against their property. This service helps protect them from unauthorized or fraudulent activity. Here’s how it works:...
Register Now! If you missed last month’s class, registration is now open for our 3 hour clock hours course: Artificial Intelligence for Real Estate Marketing! This is a great course for all industry professionals whether a novice, a beginner, or those with...
In the real estate industry, the term “escrow” can refer to two distinct concepts with each an important part of the property buying process. If you are involved in buying a home, know the difference between “being in escrow” for a real estate...
Title insurance protects homeowners and lenders from potential disputes over property ownership and title defects. When purchasing a home, obtaining title insurance can be a requirement for a seller and/or buyer but they rarely understand what kind of coverage they...